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As a local mom, immigrant, and tenant -- Council Member Julie Won is our community's voice in City Hall!
In her first term, Julie has approved historic levels of affordable housing, and secured vital city funding and resources for our schools, parks, and community organizations.
On June 27th, vote to re-elect Council Member Julie Won!

Julie Won For NYC Council | District 26
Meet Julie
Julie Won is the New York City Council Member representing District 26!
When Julie was 8 years old, she and her family immigrated to New York, an experience that she shares with over half of her constituents. A proud product of New York public schools, Julie went on to graduate from Syracuse University, and worked at IBM as a digital strategy consultant for nearly a decade.
As an immigrant, parent, and renter, Julie ran for office two years ago because her neighbors needed a voice in City Hall.
For too long, rents have continued to skyrocket, while at the same time, there are fewer affordable homes being built. Millions of New Yorkers are counting down to when they will also be priced out of their neighborhoods. That’s why tackling the affordable housing crisis is Julie's top priority as Council Member. In her first year, Julie approved 1,622 units of permanently affordable housing--which is more than all the affordable units built in Queens over the last 10 years.
As Council Member, Julie fought to secure our fair share of City resources. This past year, Julie delivered over $50 million in funding for our district — including additional $11 million to keep our schools fully funded, and $15 million to repair and upgrade our neighborhood parks. Julie delivered on a major promise from her first campaign, and rolled out free home internet, cable TV, and cell service for residents of Queensbridge, Ravenswood, and Woodside Houses.
As our Council Member, Julie is tackling our affordable housing crisis, delivering vital funding for our schools and neighborhoods, and making sure the City serves us better.
Prior to her election to the City Council, Julie served as a board member of Queens Community Board 2, Community Capacity Development (CCD): 696 Build Queensbridge (Advisory Board), Queens Together (Advisory Board), and was a co-founder of the Queens Small Business Alliance (QSBA). Julie also served on the Queens Borough President’s Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census as the founder of the Technology Action Group.

Julie's RECORD
Julie is committed to bringing progressive solutions that are focused on protecting and alleviating the burdens of the most vulnerable communities.
Affordable Housing
Like nearly 90% of her constituents, Julie is a renter, and has seen firsthand how skyrocketing rents and fewer affordable options have driven out countless neighbors from their communities. That’s why in her first term as Council Member, Julie stood up to powerful interests, and put people before profit:
Approved 1,622 units of affordable housing in her first year – which is more than all the affordable housing built in the borough of Queens in the last decade.
Secured historically deep affordability rates, with half of these units set aside for low income and very low income families.
Focused on expanding the number of affordable family-sized units (2 or more bedrooms) so that we can continue to live in our neighborhood as our families grow.
Secured the very first supportive housing units for homeless CUNY students, to be located in Long Island City.
Julie will bring Comprehensive Planning to our neighborhood, and put an end to the “spot rezonings” that pit our communities against each other. With Comprehensive Planning, the community, and not speculative developers, will determine how we use our land so that our neighborhood grows with us affordably and sustainably. As long as she serves on the City Council, Julie will continue to be a fierce champion for tenants and take bold action to fight the affordable housing crisis.
Funding our Schools
Last year, federal pandemic funding for NYC schools ran dry, and at the same time, student enrollment in our public schools dropped as families chose to move out of NYC during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local and state funding for each public school is tied to enrollment, under a policy known as Fair Student Funding (FSF). Facing a citywide budget cut to education, Julie fought to guarantee that our schools were better funded than ever before. As our Council Member and mother to a future public school student, Julie:
Secured an additional $11 Million from the city budget for our district’s schools–ensuring that our schools are better funded than ever!
Allocated over 70% of her annual $5 Million capital funding specifically to repair and upgrade our school buildings, including replacing broken air conditioners, building new auditoriums, and more!
Increased enrollment at schools throughout the district to ensure that Fair Student Funding levels would remain the same or be increased in District 26 schools.
As the first woman and mother to represent us on the City Council, Julie visited each and every public school in our district, and worked closely with parents, teachers, principals, and education officials to address their concerns. That’s why Julie has been endorsed for re-election by the United Federation of Teachers, the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY, and NYC KidsPAC.
Parks and Greenspaces
Our City’s parks and greenspaces are the centers of community for our neighborhoods, and Julie is committed to providing the funding necessary to keep them safe and well-maintained for all of our neighbors and families. With the climate crisis worsening each year, Julie knows how important greenspaces are to preventing flash floods and other deadly consequences of climate change. As Council Member, Julie:
Secured $15 Million from the City budget to repair and upgrade our beloved parks and playgrounds.
Approved for 2 acres of new public greenspace for our district!
Allocated funding to non-profit organizations dedicated to preserving our parks and battling climate change, such as the Hunters Point Park Conservancy, and much more!
Sponsored free community programming in parks throughout the district, including the highly-attended Movies Under the Stars.
LGBTQ+ Rights
LGBTQ+ rights are human rights- and Julie is committed to making sure that New York is an inclusive place for all. As LGBTQ+ rights are under siege around our nation, it is critical that New York City remains a shining beacon of hope and equity for the community. In her first two years on the Council, Julie:
Fought against the appointment of homophobic and transphobic bigots to key City offices
Is backing legislation in the Council to support LGBTQ+ seniors to ensure that every New Yorker can age with dignity
Successfully negotiated the expansion of supportive housing options for those living with HIV/AIDS
Funded various LGBTQ+ organizations and non-profit organizations, including Drag Story Hour
Hate has no place in NYC. As insidious far-right forces seek to demonize and vilify the LGBTQ+ community, Julie will be an advocate whether it's holding City agencies accountable, marching alongside her neighbors, or pushing back against hate.
Julie wants to return our streets to people. Since the days of Robert Moses, New York City has committed a quarter of its public land to automobiles, destroying families, communities, public health, the environment, and New Yorkers’ ability to get around quickly and affordably. Julie is committed to fighting for a New York where your access to reliable transit does not depend on your ZIP code, and streets where children can safely play. That's why she:
Worked to construct safe and upgraded bike lanes on the Roosevelt Island Bridge
Is fighting for traffic safety measures such as wider sidewalks and traffic lights in order to protect pedestrians' safety
Pushed back against bureaucratic delays in DOT projects which needlessly drag out projects to modernize our city's infrastructure
Fought for increased accessibility on public transit, particularly for studies to add elevators for the 7 train stations along Queens Boulevard, which are currently inaccessible to New Yorkers with walkers, wheelchairs, and strollers.
As New York expects the implementation of congestion pricing to come soon, the city is at a crossroads as we reimagine how we allocate public space to promote mobility, equity, justice, and vibrant neighborhoods. We must expand the Fair Fares program and ensure that all low-income New Yorkers receive heavily discounted or free Metrocards. Affordable and efficient public transit is the backbone of Queens' economy and community, and Julie will fight to ensure that everyone has access to reliable transit.


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