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Streetsblog NYC: Queensboro Bridge Bike and Pedestrian Improvements Delayed a Full Year

Cyclists and pedestrians will still have to share a single, narrow, two-way lane on the Queensboro Bridge for another two years, thanks to a delay in a larger bridge renovation project by the Department of Transportation, Streetsblog has learned.

The DOT quietly released the news — namely, that the agency needs until the end of 2023 to complete a bridge redecking — in a letter to some stakeholders, prompting immediate outrage from those very stakeholders, who had long been promised by the prior de Blasio administration that the work to create dedicated pedestrian space on the bridge’s south outer roadway would begin in late 2021 and be completed by the end of 2022. At that point, cyclists would get the currently shared north outer roadway all to themselves, although that roadway is also extremely narrow for two-way riding.

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